Which Makes More Money, Internal or External Chiropractic Marketing Strategies? Part 3/5
This is Part 3 of a 5 part series on Marketing FOR patients VS. marketing TO patients.
There’s a HUGE difference and to fully “get it”, go back and read Part 1 and 2 (see below) or this lesson won’t be of much value to you or your practice.
Okay, today I will discuss the typical return on investment with marketing “FOR” and marketing “TO” patients.
Marketing “FOR” patients is not fun. It requires you to create a relationship out of thin air, convince, persuade, and “close”.
By its nature, it creates skepticism and resistance.
It’s what Gary Vaynurchuk (I highly recommend reading his book, The Thank You Economy) calls “Push” marketing.
For a short video of Gary talking about his book, click here…
It’s forceful. It’s aggressive. It’s typical advertising.
Virtually every Chiropractic consultant teaches marketing “FOR” patients and that’s why most Chiropractors are jaded about Consultants and advertising. (As they should be.)
Even though marketing “FOR” patients is extremely inefficient, it still is attractive to young Chiropractic doctors who think they have a new patient problem and that “new patients” are the answer.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Now, your patient visit stats might reveal that the majority of the visits are by new patients who’ve been with you for 90 days or less, but all that reveals is that you continue to lose the majority of your patients.
If you are not seeing as many patient visits per week as you like, then getting more new patients won’t do it. It will merely make you feel busier while you process them but the return on investment, in time and money, will be just a sliver of the return that comes with patients who pay, stay, and refer, which is what marketing TO patients creates.
The problem for Chiropractors is that their survival mode thinking actually sabotages their practices. It keeps them frantic and looking for quick fixes.
Years and many new patients later, they find themselves in the same boat: low revenue, higher overhead, and feeling out of control.
So what makes more money, marketing “FOR” or “TO”?
I’d go as far as saying that marketing “FOR” without marketing “TO” is a total waste of time.
There IS no comparison.
Related Posts:
Internal vs External Chiropractic Marketing Strategies: Part 1
Internal vs External Chiropractic Marketing Strategies: Part 2
Lastly, If you feel you need help getting new patients and communicating with your existing ones you should pick up a copy of “Are Chiropractors Being Brainwashed?” For a free copy, see below. Even if chiropractic marketing strategies is not your thing, this latest book exposes why most practice building tactics don’t work and what you, your staff, and/or your associate doctor can do about it. This 152 page book reveals immediate no cost/low cost elegant solutions that most consultants pray that you never discover! To download your free copy now, simply only enter your email address below.
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