I see this all the time…
Seasoned and once successful D.C.s struggling while new D.C.s are killing it, virtually right out of school.
Why is that?
Because “experience” is the worst way to grow a business.
“Experience” takes time. Many years.
What’s the difference?
Knowing what to do.
Not then, now.
Knowing what to do is everything.
Knowing what to do does not take experience and it does not take time.
Knowing what to do takes knowledge.
Not knowing what to do creates fear.
Fear keeps you from going for it.
Stress comes from not knowing what to do.
Not investing in yourself and your practice is the result of not knowing what to do.
What separates you from what you want is not knowing what to do.
Knowing what to do creates predictable results.
Everyone gets lucky from time to time. But luck isn’t producible at will.
Only knowing what to do can create predictable results.
Chiropractors who implement ChiroTrust fully get predictable results.
They aren’t stressed.
They aren’t worried where their next patient is coming from.
They know how to grow a practice.
They leave nothing to chance.
They know.
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