Doubting oneself is normal.
Truthfully, I probably doubt myself once or twice a year but it only lasts minutes-to-hours and not days, weeks, or months and is usually a sign that I am doing something/s right like…
- Acquiring new skills.
- Pushing myself beyond my comfort zone.
- Testing against current beliefs, paradigms, and habits.
Constant self-doubt is something that needs to be handled because ongoing self-doubt and ongoing “success” don’t mix.
Based solely on observation, it’s my position that ongoing self-doubt is a result of some or all of the following personal characteristics and traits:
- Procrastination
- Taking short cuts.
- Not putting in the necessary time and work.
- Limited belief systems.
- Being risk adverse.
- Fear of failure.
- Fear of success.
- Not being around people who truly want the best for you.
The solution to chronic self-doubt is self-awareness.
Knowing your true strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies.
Then, be brutally honest with yourself so that you can constantly improve what you can and be okay with what’s left.
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