Today’s chiropractic success tip has to do more with who you are and your character than marketing ideas. But you know what…there is no better marketing than an honest chiropractor on top of their game that practices what they preach and gives patients what they want!
- Competency – If you aren’t worth seeing, you aren’t worth marketing. Patients must get measurable results. If not, what’s the point?…and they’re the judge, not you.
- Walk the walk – If you aren’t a picture of health, you lose credibility. Invest in yourself. Be the best version of you.
- Confidence – Confidence is contagious. It’s also how leaders attract followers.
- Rapport – To keep patients coming back, create and maintain that connection.
- Transparency – Strive for honesty, not perfection. Reputation trumps image.
- Go beyond expectations – In everything you do and everything your patients experience, it always pays off to go the extra mile.
- Appreciate others – When something appreciates, it gains value. If you don’t appreciate your patients, they won’t value you.
- Likable – Odd, creepy, sarcastic, offensive, defensive, needing to be right… are all turn offs.
- Enhance how people occur to themselves when around you. – Compliments, enthusiastic listening, agreement, gratitude…all are attractants.
- Satisfy patients – Giving patients what they want, when they want it and how they want it never goes out of favor.